The latest evidence of the woeful state of care for Psychophysiologic Disorders (Stress Illness) comes from my local newspaper. In a Health column, we find the following question from a reader:
“I have severe back pain but my MRI appears to be normal. What are my options? Can you help?”
The “answer” is provided by the physician director of an “Advanced Pain Management Center.” The doctor begins by reporting a study that found herniated discs in about 30% of MRIs done in people who had no pain (the converse of the questioner’s problem). The logical conclusion from this research is that herniated discs do not always cause pain. A further inference is that in some patients with both pain and a herniated disc, the pain is not caused by the disc but by some other cause. The doctor could then have pointed out that this “other cause” (most commonly unrecognized life stress) might be responsible for the questioner’s pain.
Unfortunately, instead of explaining this, the doctor perseverates on the concept that there must be a diseased structure responsible for the questioner’s pain. Outrageously, with no mention of the statistically most likely cause of unresolved psychosocial issues, he suggests a plan of additional tests including specialized x-ray studies and/or diagnostic nerve blocks. These are uncomfortable (they involve long needles), risky, unlikely to be of any benefit and generate generous fees for the physicians who perform them. The doctor concludes by inviting the questioner to call his office for an appointment.
The old expression that “when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail” applies here, particularly when you are well paid for hammering. My colleagues on the Board of Directors of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (PPDA) have observed this neglect of the psychosocial causes of symptoms in countless patients, providing ample motivation for us to bring light to this darkness.
Tags: Blind Spot, medical education, psychophysiologic disorders