Posts Tagged ‘ACE’

ACEs and the Epidemiology of Psychophysiologic Disorders

Thursday, June 8th, 2017
A new paper (on-line only at the moment) (1) reports a prospective epidemiological study thaexamines the association between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the subsequent occurrence of painful medical conditions.  The role that mood and anxiety disorders play in this association is also carefully assessed.


One Approach to Psychophysiologic Disorders

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Recent on-line and in-person discussions with my colleagues who care for patients with Psychophysiologic Disorders (PPD) make it clear that there are many successful approaches to diagnosis and treatment.  What these techniques have in common is clarifying for patients that psychosocial stress can cause real pain and/or other physical symptoms and that uncovering and treating these issues can relieve the illness (partially or completely).  Our discussion led me to summarize my approach: (more…)

ACEs and Illness in Primary Care

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

A colleague asked how I would screen for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in primary care patients with unexplained illness, chronic pain or functional syndromes such as irritable bowel or fibromyalgia.  (A blog of mine describing ACEs is here with an important web site here). Here is my answer:


Illness as a Parental Legacy

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

A colleague and friend has written a deeply personal essay about his troubled relationship with his father. It led me to reflect on the 4000+ interviews I have done with people whose illnesses were linked to their childhood experience. Some learning from those patients:


New DVD on Adverse Childhood Experience

Monday, August 27th, 2012

There is a new compilation of the latest research on the long-term impact of childhood adversity.  I have written about this key subject in earlier blogs (here and again here).  Now there is a new DVD where the latest research and its implications for policy are presented by those who conducted the studies.


Adverse Childhood Experience

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

A therapist recently posed a key question about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): what is the benefit to a patient of their family doctor knowing this information?


Adults who had Stress in Childhood (5)

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

For the million American children identified by social agencies as being maltreated every year, and for the many more whose abuse is not brought to the attention of authorities, a new study* shows that the long shadow of their misfortune falls on their economic potential as adults.


Adults who had Stress in Childhood (4)

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

The long-term effects of childhood stress impact relationships and mood in adults.  The study* described in the last post surveyed 380 women who came to a general medical clinic.  In addition to questions about abuse in childhood, patients were surveyed about whether they had ever experienced intimate-partner violence (IPV) and also about depression.  (The vast majority of those who had experienced IPV were no longer in an abusive relationship.)


Adults who had Stress in Childhood (3)

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Adult patients seen by primary care medical clinicians often are affected by stress in childhood.  Recent evidence of this is a study of 380 women at a medical clinic at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland *.  Their survey asked about physical or sexual childhood abuse and assessed the impact of these on physical symptoms.


Adults who had Stress in Childhood (2)

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Researchers have been shocked at the profound impact childhood stress can have on health in adults.  The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Study *, led by my friend Vincent Felitti, MD in San Diego, is one of the best examples.  They studied 18,000 people who were having routine check-ups.  You can read a summary here .
